• Achievements
  • Character Achievements

Character Achievements Ulsan Sports Science Secondary School's Achievements.

Our school applied for *UNESCO ASPnet(associated schools project network) aiming to help our students get global citizenship. Korean National Commission for UNESCO approved our school’s application on May 5th 2015. Therefore, our school will propel many activities including volunteering, campaign, and donation for people in need.

*UNESCO ASPnet is a program to encourage schools worldwide to educate students on issues related to UNESCO’s “overarching goal of promoting peace and international understanding.”

USSS Plans for UNESCO ASPnet

No. Activity
1 Monthly Handout about UNESCO
2 Bulletin Board for UNESCO ASPnet
3 Regular Campaign for saving energy and environmental awareness
4 Drawing Contest about Friendship, Caring, and Sharing
5 Classroom Piggy Bank
6 Flea Market during School Festival
7 Green Cafe during School Festival
8 Catch Phrase for Sustainable Development
9 Pulling Weeds for Trees
10 Making Je-ki(a Korean traditional sports tool) using Recycled Banner
11 Writing English Essay about Korean Culture
12 Understanding Cultures Through Student Exchange Program
13 Volunteering for the Physically Challenged
14 Field Trip to Ulsan Local Court for Human Rights
15 Writing “Thank You Letter” to Friends
16 Subscription to UNESCO Newspaper